Rear Cowl Holder

So many aspects of the Heinkel were value engineered I’ve lost count. One that has come back to cause trouble for me is the rear cowl support. A little arm swings up and supports one side of the cowl under the hinge. Everything is a little flimsy in this arrangement.

Heinkel Car Rear Bonnet Support Bracket
Heinkel Rear Bonnet Support Holder- a Flimsy Arrangement

Unfortunately for me the use of this support has cracked my paint near the hinge above the bracket.

Heinkel Trojan Rear Bonnet Exterior
Cracked Paint Where the Exterior Flexes

I wanted to figure out a better way to support the cowl when I was working on my car (especially trying to adjust my Bing carburetor, but that’s another story). I came up with simple solution- a stick:

Heinkel Cars and Cabin Scooters
Stick as Replacement Holder

This is pretty simple. I determined the optimal opening size and cut a stick, to length, then cut a semicircle in the bottom so the stick could rest on the top of the shock mount. That way normal vibration would not dislodge the stick when I was running engine. The other end of the stick fits under the lip of the cowl.

Heinkel Cars, Kabines, and Cabin Scooters
Holder in Place- One End on Shock Other End Under Cowl Lip
If you want to avoid the cracked paint problem I’ve suffered, here are some measurements so you can build your own.:
  1. Length: 25.5″
  2. Diameter of circle at one end: 1 1/16″
  3. Width of stock (at shock absorber end): 7/8″
  4. Width of stock (at bonnet end): 3/4″

The stick is lightweight and fits easily and unobtrusively beside the seats.

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