Electric Vehicles

I’ve started converting old two and three wheelers to EV’s. It’s a great combination of three things I like; tech, design, and work! I’ve received many inquiries on the site so I’ve started a new section on EV conversions. I hope you enjoy it.

Heinkel EV Microcar
Heinkel with hub motor and custom battery pack

What I’ve Learned

My Heinkel Kabine Conversion

My Zundapp Bella EV Project

Zundapp Bella EV’s

Other Metal Scooter Conversions

Have you converted a metal scooter to EV and do you want to share your story? Complete my form below and send some pictures and I’ll put them on my site!

Tell Us About Your EV Classic Scooter Project!
Way to collect information about EV Scooter conversions for subsequent blog postings
If someone wants to know more can I have them contact you?
Selected Value: 40
How big is your battery?
round to the nearest selection