EV Conversion Costs

Converting a classic metal scooter to an EV is not a turnkey operation (at least yet, although that may change in the future).  Kits are available that can make the conversion easier, and they really aren’t that expensive considering the amount of work, experimentation and false starts involved with a conversion from scratch.

But you probably wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t seriously considering the challenge and satisfaction!

Here’s a list of what you will need to make yourself, and what you can buy and the approximate costs.

What you’ll need to make (or have someone else make):
SwingarmSteel or aluminum$50-$300If you send it to a cutting service (for example, sendcutsend.com) expect to pay $50 per component, but you will still need to weld. Totally outsourcing to a fabricator will cost several hundred dollars
Component containerMarine plywood or metal mounting brackets$100 A pre-built pack may come in a case. Otherwise, I’d allocate $100 (placeholder)
Other brackets and mountingSteel$50 To mount battery and components, $50 (placeholder)
Wiring and connectorsCopper, tinned copper$150 You will need to crimp the big wires and solder others. Basic crimpers are about $50 on Amazon, expect to pay $100 for wire and connectors.
What you’ll need to purchase (72v system):
ComponentCostCost /notes
Battery Pack$1,060 This can vary widely based on your needs (use this as a placeholder for a 35 miles range pack).
Motor*$315 For a QS Motor 4kw hub motor
Controller*$207 For a Fardriver
Disk Brake*$30 From the QS Motor website
Tire*$50 From the QS Motor website
Rear brake master cylinder$30 From Amazon
Key switch$25 From Thunderstruck Motors
DC to DC converter$115 From Thunderstruck Motors
Contactor$150 From Thunderstruck Motors
Fuses$50 From Thunderstruck Motors
Shipping from China$300 Usually DHL or Fedex
Contingency$350 There’s always stuff that you didn’t expect!
Total for parts made and purchased (not including design)$2932-$3182(US Dollars)

Expect to spend $2,900 to $3,200 USD on converting your scooter to an EV.

What About Designing the EV and Electrical System?

If you’ve modified a scooter or car, the skills are directly applicable and will be useful in designing an EV Scooter. However, you may need to acquire electrical design skills through self study or making new friends. The voltage in a 72v system can be lethal, so don’t underestimate this area.