Sunday , July 18 started as a rainy day but eventually cleared enough to become a great day to attend the Concours d’ Elegance. Misselwood is one of three juried…MoreMisselwood Concours 2021
If you’ve read my blog over the years you know how fickle carburetors can be. I’ve tried several options; rebuilding existing ones, buying lightly used ones, buying a new Bing,…MoreThe Best Carburetor Option Yet?
I’m restoring an early Heinkel with the air vents in the door and I was missing the heater/de-mister switching piece. This is a hard to get item, and I’d been…MoreDefroster/Heater Switch
Over 13 years of Heinkel ownership I’ve accumulated a number of engines; people have given then to me, I’ve found them in various places, or people have told me about…MoreThe Heinkel Engine “Hall of Shame”
I haven’t posted for some time but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing Heinkel things. Far from it! I restored a Heinkel 103 A1 scooter and I made this:…MoreI’ve been busy!
Tax Evader I purchased a collection of Heinkel parts recently and found this gear selector indicator: Heinkel Car Gear Shift Selector Notice anything missing? It turns out that in the…MoreTax Evader
There’s a number of microcar collections in the United States, which is surprising if you stop and think that many of the cars you see there were never officially imported…MoreMidwest Microcar Museum – A Must See in Madison!
If you’ve read my blog you know that many Heinkels suffer from carburetor problems. Parts are no longer available for the original Pallas carburetors. The slides wear or they leak…MoreJetex Carburetor Conversion- Better Than an Old Pallas
There’s a rarity among rarities listed on German eBay right now- a Heinkel with an all metal roof. No sunroof for you- a most unusual Heinkel This is the second…MoreNo Sunroof For You – A Metal-Roofed Heinkel!
I’ve been corresponding with a gentleman in Greece about his Attica, an almost forgotten European microcar powered by- you guessed it- a 200cc Heinkel engine. Giorgos sent me several pictures…MoreThe Attica- Another Car with a Heinkel Engine